You can do some of the The Chief of Thirsk Hall quests before picking a side though. Why: You have to side with one of the factions Retaking Thirsk & The Chief of Thirsk Hall Why: Bloodline quest before it determines if you join the Dawnguard or the Vampires faction locking out quests on the other side. Why: Picking a faction locks out unique quests on the other side. Joining the Legion and Joining the Stormcloaks Why: You either pick to join the Dark Brotherhood or choose to Destroy it. This is all I know so far and I would like to make one nice list: J.Hey everyone I like to do as many quests in one run as possible so I am curious if there are any quests you can easily miss or are conflicting.

Try the new beta patch for Skyrim which was just released this week. It sounds like your new game cell is not loading correctly.

That was a problem with the size of save game files and its loading and was fixed in a prevoius Skyrim patch update. Jonathan Egan Posts: 3432 Joined: Fri 3:27 pm

Has anyone heard of a software upgrade coming to fix these constant random and continuous crashes or fragmented sites. Any resolution to this problem? I have been getting a lot of crashes in the last couple of weeks in other parts of Skyrim, especially in The Rift Hold. I tried to enter with TCL, but once directly inside, the whole place is fragmented and not a clear definition of how to get to the Jarl. I entered Whiterun and walked to the Dragonreach to deliver the message, but every time I tried to go through the door into the doorway, the game crashes. My next assignment was to take a message from Tullias to the Jarl of Whiterun. After a number of starts and crashes of the game the site finally opened up and I was able to complete. It was impossible to go through the facility with the Imperial troops with me. Upon entry with Legate Rikke into Korvanjund, the site was all fragmented with the different sites of Korvanjund seperated by cloudy space. Currently signed up with the Imperial Forces and just finished the quest at Korvanjund to get the Jagged Crown before the Stormcloaks get it first. I am currently on my fourth character game at a level 50.